
January 16, 2015

Mexico? Si, Si

After waiting for my commoner friends to unload from the plane from way back in coach, we grabbed our bags and piled in our taxi to head to Sayulita. First stop – The Mega. There we faced the hardest decision one has to make on vacation – how much booze will we need? Answer: LOTS… and maybe even that won’t be enough! So we loaded up! So much that the driver had to remove most of our luggage from the van and tie it to the roof to have it all fit.

What can I say – we are from Chilliwack, right?

One hour and about 4 beers each later we found our Casas! And man were these condos sweet. Group of 11 in side by side condos on the beach – we had an incredible few days together.

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There was lounging at the beach, lounging at the pool, day drinking, massages on the beach, beer frisbee, boogie boarding, napping, yoga, body surfing, dinners, dancing, late night drinking, snorkling, and fishing.




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And of course, there was an amazing wedding.

Seriously – this wedding was unbelievable. Beers at the complex to start, beach ceremony and a amazing restaurant on the beach for the reception.





The bride was a total knock out and we all agreed as she walked down the aisle – totally out of the grooms league. Well done buddy. Well done.




The wedding was full of all the typical activities including great food, amazing speeches, cake cutting, and of course the bouquet and garter belt toss.

Here my thoughts on the tosses.

It should be for truly single people only. If you are currently in a relationship, I do not consider this single. Throw us a friggin bone… I mean bouquet. Clearly, we could use the luck. And how am I supposed to scope out the actual single people that night to narrow my focus if you long term relationship goers are in the mix. Selfish.

I was not even surprised and had to laugh when the 8 year old niece caught the bouquet. Because let’s face it – she is probably going to get married before me anyway.


There is nothing quite more amazing than attending a destination wedding. Selfishly, it becomes such a huge event for everyone who attends. Meeting up with old friends and, almost better, making new friends. By the end of it – you are family.

Because only your closet family do you sit around the dinner table and talk about how many times you have shit that day.

God bless Mexico.


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